Our lives and AI: Harm or benefit?

British Library, London.

Our lives and AI: Harm or benefit?

20 February 2025, 19.00-20.30
Pigott Theatre at the Britsh Library

AI discussion encompasses many issues fundamental to our lives - will AI make us better off, or will it take away our jobs and make us poorer, will it lessen or widen the divide between the rich and the poor, will it make us smarter or take away our skills and knowledge? Is it just a convenience and a new form of entertainment, or, is it a force that will re-shape humanity for better or for worse? Will it make our lives longer and healthier? Or - will it exacerbate inequalities, unrest and social divides? Who bears the responsibility for any harms caused by AI? And how we can make it work for a better society?

Join us and have your say in this debate looking at the good, bad and ugly emerging with AI technologies.

Chaired by Timandra Harkness, this is part of a series of AI debates bringing together experts from different fields to debate issues spotlit by AI developments

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