Democracy and AI: Who decides?

British Library, London.

Democracy and AI: Who decides?

27 March 2025, 19.00-20.30
Pigott Theatre at the Britsh Library

We have already become familiar with the issue of the alleged AI interference with democratic processes. The influence of deep fakes and AI targeting of social media content is quickly becoming a staple of election coverage across the world. Behind the scenes, AI is making its way into public services, from NHS to policing. Yet, how much information do we all have on the algorithms that might influence our political choices, or help to make decisions about government policy and our own affairs? On the other hand, are we missing a trick for achieving more open and equal democracy with AI help, by, for example, enabling more mass citizen participation and consultation?

Join us in this discussion of how to curb AI threats to democratic process, and if there are ways to harness it for more inclusive forms of democracy. And, ultimately, who decides how AI will work in our society and our lives?

Chaired by Timandra Harkness, this is the last in a series of AI debates bringing together experts from different fields to debate issues spotlit by AI developments

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