Family Workshop: Messages Of Love (Refugee Week) Tickets and Dates

Family Workshop: Messages of Love (Refugee Week)

Free | Ticketed | Suitable for 5+ | The Harry M Weinrebe Learning Centre 

Celebrate Refugee Week in this creative workshop inspired by Ukrainian Folk Art and the tradition of making decorative hangings to protect and bestow wellbeing on a household. 

Join illustrator Marysya Rudska to explore the work of Ukrainian artist Maria Prymachenko, as well as images of flowers, birds and animals in our collection. Enjoy using paint, crayons and pens to create your own special artwork. Then bring it home and display it, wishing happiness to all that visit you or perhaps gift it to someone special, sharing a message of love to their home. 

In partnership with St Mary's Ukrainian School and Ukrainian Scouts Organisation UK 
Please book one ticket per person in your group.

Image credit: illustration by Marysya Rudska

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